Stoke City Football Newspaper Book

Stoke City Football Newpaper Book. Capture the history and greatest moments of Stoke through the newspapers, as written at the time. Starting with coverage of Stokes’ 1906 win over Blackburn in the FA Cup, this book charts a glorious history of great games and League and Cup titles through the decades of the 20th century. Top early stories include, gaining promotion to Division 1 in 1922, after beating Bristol City 3-0, the 6-1 thrashing of Chelsea in 1939 (and again in 1947) and the tragic 1946 FA Cup tie at Bolton where 38 fans sadly died. Read about the marathon 9hr 22min cup game against Bury in 1955 which Stoke eventually won 3-2. Read how Stan Matthews signed for Stoke again in 1961, the team’s 100 year celebrations in 1963, and the British cash transfer record in 1974, when Stoke paid £340,000 for England goal keeper Peter Shilton. Relive the excitement of gaining promotion to Division 1 in 1979, promotion again in the 2002 play offs and much much more. A unique and wonderful gift and must have for all Stoke fans.

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